Wildlife Safety

Classroom presentation - Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADFG)

Throughout Alaska, even in our state's urban centers, humans share habitat with wild animals. Part of life for children who grow up in Alaska is learning how to act safely around potentially dangerous wildlife such as bears, moose and wolves.

ADF&G offers lesson plans, posters, coloring books, and in some regions, classroom presentations, to help teach children and adults about wildlife safety.

Make a Truce with Moose on the Loose

Meet Miles the Moose and learn how to stay safe in moose country with this fun-filled Moose Safety Activity Packet (PDF 248 kB). Color the Moose on the Loose poster (PDF 1,118 kB) or print the Watch out for Moose flyer (PDF 193 kB) to reinforce moose safety basics.

Bear and Moose Safety Videos

This 19-minute DVD produced by ADF&G, Wayne Hall-Stoutman Productions and students from Mirror Lake Middle School in Eagle River is for elementary students. You can view this DVD online, or sign up to receive a free DVD for your classroom or youth group.

Watch on Vimeo

Watch Tom Griffin, Wildlife Specialist for the Alaska Department of Fish & Game, give a quick bear spray demonstration. Please click on the link to get more detailed information on using bear spray. What you should know about Bear Spray (PDF 514 kB)

Watch on Vimeo

Bear and Moose Safety Presentation
Bear and Moose Safety Presentation

Watch Tom Griffin, Wildlife Specialist for the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, as he gives a presentation on tips to help you stay safe in Alaska bear and moose country.

Watch on Vimeo

Be Bear Aware Coloring Book

In 2016, ADF&G worked with Kodiak artist Mary Ruskovich to produce a uniquely Alaskan bear aware coloring book. This PDF, Be Bear Aware ADF&G coloring book (2016) (PDF 2,951 kB), can be printed out at home. Use 8.5x11 inch paper, landscape format, side or corner staple. If you are an educator or work with youth and would like multiple copies, contact the DWC Wildlife Education program, 907-267-2168.

This PDF of our original ADF&G Be Bear Aware coloring book (2003) (PDF 1,080 kB) also teaches young students the basics of bear safety, including how to keep a clean camp and make noise when traveling in bear country. The Bear Aware poster (PDF 668 kB) is also available.

Bear and Moose Safety Presentations

In some areas, Division of Wildlife Conservation education specialists offer wildlife safety presentations to area schools and community groups as staffing allows. To learn more, call 907-267-2168 for Anchorage presentations and 907-465-4292 for Juneau presentations.

Register online for Anchorage area wildlife safety presentations.