Living with Wildlife in Anchorage:
A Cooperative Planning Effort
Chapter 6: Priority Actions

This chapter presents policies and actions related to wildlife population management and wildlife conflict responses. It begins with separate sections on moose, bears, geese, and feral animal population issues, and then describes conflict response policies.

Part 1: Habitat and species conservation actions
Top Priorities:
1. Wildlife habitat and corridor assessment project
2. Key species population and capacity assessment program
3. Tax incentives for conserving habitat
4. Habitat conservation ordinance changes
5. Acquisition options for conserving prime habitat
6. Habitat consequences review program
7. Stream restoration projects
8. Critical habitat reserves
Supported Actions:
Browse improvement on public lands
Habitat awards program
Bicentennial park development concern
Part 2: Conflict prevention actions
Top Priorities:
9. Managing recreation use impacts on trails: design guidelines
10. Road improvements to prevent moose collisions
11. Urban wildlife specialist position/program
12. Moose and bear encounter safety program
13. Bear attractant ordinance and education program
14. Moose/bear conflict response training
15. Wildlife feeding education and regulations
16. Pet control education and enforcement
Supported Actions:
Avian/small mammal predator enhancement
Injured bird and bird conflict program
Trailhead bear warning program
Neighborhood moose warning program
Moose accident prevention: education options
Part 3: Wildlife recreation and education actions
Top Priorities:
17. Anchorage wildlife festival
18. Anchorage watchable wildlife guide and video
19. Expand wildlife education in schools
20. Expand visitor center interpretation programs
21. Potter Marsh nature center and boardwalk
22. Potter Marsh to Girdwood planning
23. Girdwood nature center
Supported Actions:
Coastal trail: Kincaid to Potter Marsh
Campbell Creek interpretive trails
Greenway interpretive stations
Eagle River viewing tower
Eagle River campground interpretive trail
Glen Alps interpretive stations
Middle fork Campbell Creek interpretive trail
Part 3 (con't): Other actions
24. Habitat planning for military lands (if they are relinquished)
25. Formalize interagency and wildlife interest group cooperation
Part 3 (con't): Actions considered but rejected