Inseason Alaska Commercial Salmon Summary

This summary provides management, harvest, and escapement information for the Alaska commercial salmon fishing season. This summary will be updated each Friday between mid-May and September. Please note, inseason harvest data published in this summary are preliminary and subject to change. For more information on the Blue Sheet, inseason summaries, and harvest timing charts, please see our Blue Sheet, Inseason Summary, and Harvest Timing Charts Overview page.

Southeast Alaska & Yakutat

Troll Fishery

Last updated: Friday, September 13

The first Chinook salmon opening of the general summer troll season began on July 1 to target approximately 66,700 fish. Landing reports indicate a reduced number of vessels compared with the previous 2 years. The fishery was open for Chinook salmon retention for 8 days. A 10-day limited harvest fishery for Chinook salmon was opened on September 1 to harvest the remainder of the commercial net fisheries Chinook salmon treaty allocation. Each permit holder is permitted to harvest 12 Chinook salmon during this fishery.

Preliminary fish ticket data reported through September 12 indicates a total of 468 troll permits have landed 83,200 Chinook salmon in the traditional summer troll fishery. A total of 283 permits have landed 2,600 Chinook salmon during the limited harvest fishery. Harvest reported on fish tickets for traditional and terminal fisheries for other species include 526,700 coho and 816,500 chum salmon. Average prices are $6.08/lb for Chinook, $1.91/lb for coho and $0.53 /lb for chum salmon. Current average landed weights are 10.6 lb for Chinook, 5.6 lb for coho, and 6.9 lb for chum salmon. Chinook salmon average weight is above the 2023 average by 0.1 lb but below the 5-year average by 0.7 lb, while coho salmon average weight is above the 2023 and 5-year averages by 0.7 lb and 0.1 lb. Chum salmon average weight is below the 2023 and 5-year averages by 0.6 and 0.4 lb.

The current regional power troll coho salmon catch rate for this week (statistical week 37) is 54 coho salmon/boat/day, with the highest catch rates in the Southern Inside at 75 fish/boat/day, followed by the Central Outside (52 fish/boat/day), Southern Outside (46 fish/boat/day), and Central Inside (45 fish/boat/day) areas.

Directed chum salmon fisheries in Southeast Alaska are finished for the season. The seasonal total for Sitka Sound during statistical weeks 27-35 indicates that 161 vessels took 672,100 fish for 1,626 landings, at a rate of 413 fish per landing. Totals for West Crawfish Inlet/Crawfish Inlet Terminal Harvest Area for statistical weeks 32-35 indicate that 42 vessels took 54,600 fish for 122 landings, at a rate of 448 fish per landing. Seasonal totals for West Behm Canal and Neets Bay for statistical weeks 27-32 indicate 58 vessels made 355 landings for 78,700 chum salmon, taken at a rate of 222 fish/landing. Fish ticket records from Icy Strait report 1,300 chum salmon taken by 7 vessels during statistical weeks 27-29, at a rate of 133 fish/landing.


For more information, please visit the ADF&G website for the Southeast Alaska and Yakutat Management Area.

Purse Seine Fishery

Last updated: Friday, August 30

Directed pink salmon common property purse seine fisheries will be closed in all districts for the remainder of the 2024 season. Common property opportunity remains in select hatchery terminal harvest areas. In addition, the Alaska Department of Fish and Game will continue to monitor fall chum salmon runs to Cholmondeley Sound, Security Bay, Port Camden, Nakwasina Sound, Chaik Bay, and Excursion Inlet.

The 2024 Southeast Alaska pink salmon harvest forecast was predicted to be average with a point estimate of 19.2 million fish. Traditional common property purse seine openings directed at harvesting pink salmon began July 4 and concluded August 29. This year’s traditional common property purse seine harvest estimate is 16.7 million pink salmon, about 2.5 million fish more than the parent year harvest of 14.5 million fish. The majority of the pink salmon harvest was from Southern Southeast with District 1 harvesting 5.2 million pink salmon. The overall pink salmon harvest estimate, including harvest from the drift gillnet fishery and Annette Island Reserve, is currently at 18 million fish. Pink salmon average weight was 3.0 pounds. Pink salmon escapement surveys are still being flown and escapements are being tabulated. Purse seine effort decreased slightly from 2023 but is slightly higher than 2022 with 197 permits making landings.

Hatchery produced chum salmon runs were expected to be average to above average in 2024. With the exception of Deep and Crawfish Inlets, hatchery produced chum salmon runs have concluded. The estimated common property purse seine terminal harvest area harvest is 3.2 million chum salmon, above the 2014–2023 average harvest of 1.9 million chum salmon.


For more information, please visit the ADF&G website for the Southeast Alaska and Yakutat Management Area.

Drift Gillnet Fishery

Last updated: Friday, June 28

There are 5 traditional drift gillnet fishing areas in Southeast Alaska (SEAK): Tree Point and Portland Canal (District 1); Prince of Wales (District 6); Stikine (District 8); Taku/Snettisham (District 11); and Lynn Canal (District 15). In addition, drift gillnet fisheries occur in several terminal harvest areas (THA) adjacent to hatchery facilities and at remote release sites throughout the region. The drift gillnet fishery primarily targets sockeye, pink, and chum salmon during the summer season and coho and chum salmon during the fall season. In the last 10 years, the species composition of the drift gillnet harvest has been 63% chum, 22% pink, 9% sockeye, 6% coho, and <1% Chinook salmon. Of the total commercial salmon harvest in SEAK, the average drift gillnet fishery harvests have included 33% sockeye, 27% chum, 11% coho, 9% Chinook, and 4% pink salmon. Drift gillnet harvests have averaged 4.2 million salmon annually over the recent 10-year period and averaged 3.2 million salmon annually since statehood (1960–2023).

An average of 473 SEAK drift gillnet limited entry permits were issued annually, of which an average of 87% were actively fished each year. In 2023, 474 permits were issued, of which 367 permits (77%) were actively fished. A historical low of 348 permits were fished in 2004.

SEAK Chinook salmon stocks are currently experiencing low abundance. Over the past 5 years (2019–2023), the 11 monitored Chinook salmon index systems did not meet escapement goals 44% of the time. In 2023, 5 of the 11 monitored Chinook salmon index systems were below their escapement goal ranges. Of the 11 monitored stocks, ADF&G has a more detailed stock assessment that allows for annual run forecasts for 5 of those stocks to be produced. In 2024, ADF&G forecasted 2 of these 5 stock's total runs to be within their respective escapement goal ranges, 2 below their respective escapement goal ranges, and 1 stock had insufficient data available to produce a forecast but is expected to be below its escapement goal ranges. Three of these systems —Stikine, Taku, and Chilkat Rivers— are within the Districts 8, 11, and 15 drift gillnet fishing areas. Commercial, sport, personal use, and subsistence fisheries will be restricted throughout SEAK to conserve Chinook salmon. More information on Chinook salmon management actions in specific fisheries are discuss in specific gillnet fishing areas.

Current information is provided in the specific gillnet fishery area sections below. 

For more information, please visit the ADF&G website for the Southeast Alaska and Yakutat Management Area.

Tree Point/Section 1-B

Last updated: Friday, September 13

The Tree Point drift gillnet fishery opened at 12:01 p.m., on Sunday, September 8, for a 5-day fishing period. In comparison to the 10-year average, the harvest of coho salmon was above average, and the harvest of chum and pink salmon were below average. The effort level of 25 vessels was below the 10-year average of 32 vessels. The estimated weekly harvest for statistical week 37 was 9,000 coho salmon, 100 pink salmon, and 2,000 chum salmon. The Section 1-B drift gillnet fishery is currently being managed based on fall coho and chum salmon returns. Hugh Smith weir serves as an indicator stock and has met the lower end of the escapement goal for coho. For statistical week 38, the Section 1-B drift gillnet fishery will receive five days of fishing time, beginning at 12:01 p.m., Sunday, September 15.

For updates on SSRAA contributions visit their website at  


For more information, please visit the ADF&G website for the Southeast Alaska and Yakutat Management Area.

Stikine and Prince of Wales/Districts 6 and 8

Last updated: Friday, September 13

The Districts 6 and 8 gillnet fishery opened on September 8 for a three-day opening. Management emphasis was based on wild coho salmon abundance. Effort continued to be below average again for this opening with only 60% of the recent 10 year average in District 6 and with only 48% of the average in District 8. The preliminary harvest estimate for this week is 50 Chinook, 10 sockeye, 7,600 coho, 60 pink, and 1,300 chum salmon from 39 boats fishing in District 6 and 7,700 coho, 10 pink, and 10 chum salmon from 12 boats fishing in District 8.

Coho salmon harvests and harvest rates had been increasing in both districts for the past few weeks, but then slowed down for the past two weeks. Observations from coded wire tag (CWT) data from the past few weeks suggest both wild and hatchery components came in early, and the harvest appears to be made up of mostly of fish returning to local hatcheries now. Both districts will open for three days starting September 15. Fishery managers will monitor coho salmon harvests for possible adjustments to fishing time if abundance improves to a level warranting additional time.


For more information, please visit the ADF&G website for the Southeast Alaska and Yakutat Management Area.

Taku-Snettisham/Section 11-B

Last updated: Friday, September 13

Coho salmon fishing in the District 11 drift gillnet fishery was strong this week. The estimated harvest of 8,500 fish is 158% of the recent 10-year average; catch per unit effort (CPUE) was 178% of average. Effort by fishermen in the district was two-thirds of the 10-year average with an estimated 18 vessels making landings. The fishery was extended 24-hours to a five-day fishery to give more opportunity to fishermen in the district.

Coded wire tag (CWT) analysis is not yet complete for tags recovered from the fishery this week. Of those tags that have been read, about 85% of recoveries were Douglas Island Pink and Chum (DIPAC) coho salmon, with the remainder mostly Taku River wild fish. These results are similar to tag recoveries from last week.

Upriver, the fish wheel crew on the Taku River have been battling with fluctuating water levels over the past week. As the river dropped in the last few days, coho salmon catches picked right up to the highest daily catches for the season. Above the border, coho salmon harvest in the Canadian inriver fishery was above average this week with just a few permits fishing. The cumulative harvest for the season remains above average.

The fourth bilateral Taku River coho salmon inseason estimate and terminal run projection completed this week showed a slight increase in the projected inriver run to 78,000 coho salmon and projected terminal run of 98,000 above-border fish. The Taku River biological escapement goal (BEG) range is 50,000 to 90,000 coho salmon with a management objective of 70,000 fish.


For more information, please visit the ADF&G website for the Southeast Alaska and Yakutat Management Area.

Lynn Canal/District 15

Last updated: Friday, September 13

District 15 was open for three days, with continued management emphasis on wild coho and chum salmon abundance. Fishing effort of 45 boats was slightly less than last week and 83% of the weekly average. All waters south of Tanani Point in Chilkoot Inlet and waters south of Kochu Island were open for three days. Fishing was scratchy throughout the opener, causing some of the fleet to stop fishing. However, those that stayed on the grounds for the three-day fishing period were rewarded with good coho salmon catches. The estimated coho salmon harvest of 12,000 fish was 169% of the weekly average. Chum salmon harvest rates should have picked up by now, but unfortunately catch per unit effort (CPUE) and the overall harvest of 1,700 fish remained well below average this week. Effort in Chilkat Inlet remains low, with continued seal problems and subpar chum salmon catches. Chilkat River sockeye salmon are still trickling through Lynn Canal, but harvest rates have dropped substantially since fishers are targeting chum and coho salmon.

The Chilkat Lake sockeye salmon escapement goal has been achieved. To date, 71,000 sockeye salmon have been counted, attaining the lower end of the escapement goal range of 70,000 to 150,000 fish. Sockeye salmon escapements to Chilkat Lake will continue through October.

The Haines subsistence moose hunt opens on Sunday, September 15, so effort in District 15 is expected to be reduced next week. With indications of a high coho salmon abundance, weak chum salmon returns to Chilkat River, and below average effort, District 15 will open for 3 days, with the areas of high chum salmon abundance (Mud Bay and Chilkat Inlet) closed for Chilkat River chum salmon conservation measures.


For more information, please visit the ADF&G website for the Southeast Alaska and Yakutat Management Area.

Yakutat Area Set Gillnet Fishery

Last updated: Friday, September 13

The Alsek River, Dangerous River, Situk-Ahrnklin Inlet, Yakutat Bay, Manby Outside Waters, Manby Inside Waters and the remainder of the Yakutat district, and the Yakataga District were open including Kaliakh River, Tsiu River and Seal River for commercial fishing during Statistical Week 37.

In the Yakutat District, the Alsek River was open for 2 days, but was not fished this statistical week. The lack of participation for this statistical week matches recent trends. The Dangerous River was open for 3.5 days, and was not fished. This also matches recent trends for this statistical week. The Situk-Ahrnklin Inlet was open for 3.5 days with 48 permits fished and a harvest of 27,650 coho salmon. Participation was below the 10-year average and harvest was above the 10-year average for this statistical week. Yakutat Bay was open for 3.5 days, but was not fished. Participation and harvest were below average for this statistical week. The Manby Outside Waters were open for 3.5 days, but were not fished this statistical week. Manby Inside Waters were not fished.

In the Yakataga District, the Kaliakh River is open for 3 days, and although there is participation, there is not currently harvest information. The Tsiu River was open 2 days, and was not fished. The Seal River was open for 3 days and was not fished.


For more information, please visit the ADF&G website for the Southeast Alaska and Yakutat Management Area.

Terminal Harvest Area (THA) Fisheries

Last updated: Thursday, May 16

Terminal Harvest Area (THA) drift gillnet fisheries occur in Nakat Inlet, Carroll Inlet, Anita Bay, Southeast Cove, Deep Inlet, and Boat Harbor. THA seine fisheries occur in Carroll Inlet, Kendrick Bay, Anita Bay, Thomas Bay, Southeast Cove, Hidden Falls, Crawfish Inlet, and Deep Inlet. 

For more information, please visit the ADF&G website for the Southeast Alaska and Yakutat Management Area.

Nakat Inlet THA

Last updated: Friday, September 13

The forecasted Nakat Inlet return is 415,000 summer chum, 20,000 fall chum, and 24,500 coho salmon. The Nakat Inlet THA is open by regulation to the harvest of salmon by drift gillnet gear from Saturday, June 1, through Sunday, November 10, 2024. The current estimated harvest inside the THA is 400,000 chum and 1,300 coho salmon.


For updates on SSRAA contributions visit their website at

For more information, please visit the ADF&G website for the Southeast Alaska and Yakutat Management Area.

Neets Bay THA

Last updated: Friday, July 19

The forecasted Neets Bay return is 1,540,000 summer chum salmon, 40,000 fall chum salmon, 100 Chinook salmon, and 109,700 coho salmon. The Neets Bay THA opened to the harvest of salmon by troll gear on Thursday, June 27. The Neets Bay THA expands to Chin Point on July 1, and Chinook salmon may not be retained west of the easternmost tip of Bug Island. The rotational fishery between drift gillnet and purse seine began on Saturday, June 29, in those waters east of the easternmost tip of Bug Island. Neets Bay closed to the harvest of salmon by the net gear groups at 12:00 noon, Saturday, July 6, to allow for Southern Southeast Regional Aquaculture Association (SSRAA) cost recovery operations. The current estimated harvest is 40 Chinook and 1,900 chum salmon by the drift gillnet fleet, and 180 Chinook and 245,000 chum salmon by the purse seine fleet.

For further information please refer to the April 19, 2024, ADF&G announcement for Neets Bay THA and for updates on the SSRAA website at


For more information, please visit the ADF&G website for the Southeast Alaska and Yakutat Management Area.

Kendrick Bay THA

Last updated: Friday, August 02

The forecasted return for Kendrick Bay is 1,238,000 summer chum salmon. The Kendrick Bay THA is open by regulation to the harvest of salmon by purse seine gear from Saturday, June 15, through Monday, September 30. The current estimated harvest is 485,000 chum salmon.

For updates on SSRAA contribution visit their website at


For more information, please visit the ADF&G website for the Southeast Alaska and Yakutat Management Area.

Caroll Inlet THA

Last updated: Friday, July 12

The forecasted return for Carroll Inlet is 6,200 Chinook salmon. The Carroll Inlet THA will be open to troll gear from Saturday, June 1, through Sunday, June 30. The Carroll Inlet THA opened to the harvest of salmon by net gear groups from Saturday, June 1, through Wednesday June 12. Reopened for a rotational fishery between purse seine and drift gillnet on Saturday, June 15, and closed to all gear groups on Sunday, June 30. The current estimated harvest is 1,900 Chinook salmon by the purse seine fleet, and 1,700 Chinook salmon by the drift gillnet fleet.

For further information please refer to the April 19, 2024, ADF&G announcement for Carroll Inlet and for updates on SSRAA contributions visit their website at


For more information, please visit the ADF&G website for the Southeast Alaska and Yakutat Management Area.

Anita Bay THA

Last updated: Monday, September 16

For 2024, the Southern Southeast Regional Aquaculture Association (SSRAA) is forecasting total runs of 7,700 Chinook, 458,000 summer chum, and 14,300 coho salmon from releases in Anita Bay. A total of 5,400 Chinook, 118,200 summer chum, and 5,700 coho salmon are expected to be available for harvest in the Terminal Harvest Area (THA). The Anita Bay common property fishery is managed as described in the District 7: Anita Bay Terminal Harvest Area Salmon Management Plan (5 AAC 33.383). The rotational fishery for the drift gillnet and purse seine fleets ended on August 31 and is now open to all gear groups concurrently. The total reported gillnet harvest to date is 3,700 Chinook, 54,000 chum, and 2,100 coho salmon. The total reported seine harvest to date is 2,800 Chinook, 95,000 chum, and 80 coho salmon. The total reported troll harvest to date is 120 Chinook salmon. Details of the 2024 Anita Bay THA fishing schedule and area were announced in a separate advisory announcement released on April 18.


For further information and updates on Southern Southeast Regional Aquaculture Association (SSRAA) contributions and updates visit the SSRAA website.

For more information, please visit the ADF&G website for the Southeast Alaska and Yakutat Management Area.

Deep Inlet THA

Last updated: Friday, August 23

The Deep Inlet Terminal Harvest Area (THA) will be closed to all common property commercial salmon fisheries effective 12:01 a.m., Sunday, August 25, 2024. This closure will remain in effect until further notice.

From June 1 through August 23, the cumulative gillnet harvest in the Deep Inlet THA is 2,500 Chinook salmon and 285,000 chum salmon; the cumulative purse seine harvest in the Deep Inlet THA is 2,600 Chinook salmon and 788,000 chum salmon.



For more information, please visit the ADF&G website for the Southeast Alaska and Yakutat Management Area.

Hidden Falls THA

Last updated: Friday, August 02

The common property purse seine fishery at Hidden Falls first opened on June 16 and was open on Sundays and Thursdays through August 1. The most recent opening was August 1. The cumulative purse seine harvest to date at Hidden Falls Terminal Harvest Area (THA) is confidential. The Hidden Falls THA is now closed to common property harvest.


For more information, please visit the ADF&G website for the Southeast Alaska and Yakutat Management Area.

Crawfish Inlet THA

Last updated: Thursday, May 16

The Northern Southeast Regional Aquaculture Association (NSRAA) expects a run of 1,336,000 chum salmon to the Crawfish Inlet remote release site. NSRAA plans on conducting a cost recovery fishery this season in Crawfish Inlet. The number of chum salmon available for common property harvest will depend entirely on the progress of the cost recovery fishery. No chum salmon are needed for broodstock in Crawfish Inlet.

Purse seine openings at Crawfish Inlet will be conducted as needed following the cost recovery fishery to maintain fish quality and prevent large buildups of fish. Seine openings may occur inside the boundaries of the SHA depending on abundance of fish and balancing the troll priority. Should they occur, the purse seine openings will happen on Sundays and Thursdays. Purse seiners are advised that openings at Crawfish Inlet during the 2024 season may be announced with a minimum 24-hour notice, if necessary, to maximize fish quality.  


For more information, please visit the ADF&G website for the Southeast Alaska and Yakutat Management Area.

Thomas Bay THA

Last updated: Monday, September 16

The Northern Southeast Regional Aquaculture Association (NSRAA) forecasted a total run of 381,000 chum salmon to the Thomas Bay Terminal Harvest Area (THA). A portion of the run will be harvested in common property fisheries in Chatham Strait and Frederick Sound. No cost recovery was planned for 2024. The Thomas Bay THA opened to common property purse seine and troll fisheries from Sunday, June 16, through Saturday, August 10. Purse seine openings occured on Sundays and Thursdays, and troll openings occured on days closed to purse seining. Purse seine harvests through Friday, August 9, are 432,000 chum salmon. Details of the 2024 Thomas Bay THA fishing schedule and area were announced in a separate ADF&G advisory announcement released on April 18.


For more information, please visit the ADF&G website for the Southeast Alaska and Yakutat Management Area.

Southeast Cove THA

Last updated: Monday, September 16

The Northern Southeast Regional Aquaculture Association (NSRAA) is forecasting a total run of 215,000 summer chum salmon to the Southeast Cove Terminal Harvest Area (THA). The THA opened to common property fishing starting Sunday, June 16. Total reported purse seine harvests through Friday, July 19, are 214,000 chum salmon. The gillnet harvests through Friday, July 19 are confidential. Details of the 2024 Southeast Cove THA fishing schedule and area were announced in a separate ADF&G advisory announcement released on April 23.

NSRAA requested to close the Southeast Cove THA to all common property commercial salmon fisheries beginning on Friday, July 19, to facilitate summer chum salmon cost recovery operations. Common property fisheries and cost recovery operations have concluded for 2024.


For more information, please visit the ADF&G website for the Southeast Alaska and Yakutat Management Area.