Wolves on Unit 2 (Prince of Wales and outer islands)
Report Wolf Sightings

Thank you for reporting your Unit 2 wolf sighting. ADF&G collects these sightings and distributes annual observation summaries every year.

Instructions: On the map below, click the location where you saw a wolf. By clicking the map, a report will appear below the map where you will be prompted to provide more information about your sighting. If you accidentally click the wrong location, just click the mark you created and it will disappear. If you observed wolves in a second location, click the map again, and a second mark and another report will appear. Notes are helpful. Please record if you saw the wolf, heard wolves, saw tracks, or caught them on your trail cameras. If you have pictures or other resources to submit with your report, please email them directly to dfg.dwc.wolves@alaska.gov. Share this resource with friends and family.

Contact Information

Name (required):

Email (required — may substitute Phone):

Phone (required — may substitute Email):


Note: If you have other resources to submit with these reports, such as photographs, please email them directly to dfg.dwc.wolves@alaska.gov.