Mountain Goat Identification

Using Body Size to Judge Sex and Age

Adult males can be recognized from a distance because they are larger and stocker than females. But don't depend on size alone, because an adult female could be the largest goat in a group of nannies, kids and subadults. Look for other clues in addition to size and shape.

Adult male

Adult males average about 150 lbs., but may weigh up to 300 lbs. They can also be distinguished from a distance because they are larger and stockier than females.

Adult male mountain goat
Adult male mountain goat

Adult female

Adult females average about 125 lbs. and can reach a maximum weight of 250 lbs. However, body size alone is not a reliable indicator of a goat's sex; in some groups of goats, an old female can be the largest goat in the herd.

Adult female mountain goat
Adult female mountain goat

2 year old male

Adult females and 2 year old males may be about the same size

2 year old male mountain goat
2 year old male mountain goat


Yearlings weigh about 60–70 lbs. and stand about 27'' at the shoulder.

Yearling mountain goat
Yearling mountain goat


Kids are easily recognized by their small size, weighing only about 35 lbs. and standing 20'' at the front shoulder.

Kid mountain goat
Kid mountain goat

It is difficult to identify the sex of the goats in the bottom left photo compared to the right. The distance and backdrop pose challenges in identifying the sexes. Using a good spotting scope and taking the time to observe more closely would increase positive identification. These two photos are the same animals, but in different configurations.

Mountain goats too far away
Mountain goats too far away