Raptors - Sounds Wild
Golden Eagles


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Golden eagles

A golden eagle swoops low near a rocky cliff in Denali National Park. She flares her seven-foot-wings and sets down on a ledge. Golden eagles are extraordinary raptors, and this eagle is special - she's equipped with a satellite tracking device, and biologists have tracked her migration and movements over the past year.

Golden eagles use their powerful wings and long, sharp talons to catch prey such as ground squirrels, hares, ptarmigan, and even young caribou and sheep. They nest on cliffs across Alaska, from Southeast to the North Slope.

State wildlife biologists, collaborating with federal partners, have conducted long-term monitoring of golden eagle populations, using satellite telemetry to follow their migrations; and conducting annual spring counts of returning eagles to gain insights into the size and status of Alaska's golden eagle populations

The findings should provide a statewide population estimate. Preliminary results suggest that Alaska may support one of the largest populations of golden eagles in the US. Biologists have learned where golden eagles that nest in Alaska spend their winters, and have identified important migration corridors and wintering areas. This can improve management of resource development, such as wind farms, minimizing impacts on eagles.