Walrus Tracking Maps Archive

07/195/2014 – 07/209/2014

Requested Walrus Tracking Map
Over the last fourteen days we received transmissions from 25 walruses (2 male and 23 female). Five walruses are still in Russian waters, near Wrangel Island, and 4 are in coastal waters of northwest Alaska. The remaining 16 are located within the boundaries of Lease Area 193, of which 13 spent more than one day within the Hanna Shoal Walrus Use Area. The two males are in the central Chukchi Sea. Interestingly, one of the females near the Alaskan coast has moved into the Beaufort Sea and has been actively diving in Harrison Bay.

In addition to the movement tracks of these walruses we mapped the boundary of Lease Area 193 (orange outline), Hanna Shoals (black outline based on the 40m isobaths), and the Hanna Shoal Walrus Use Area (green). Sea ice data are courtesy of the U.S. National Ice Center, dated 28 July (http://www.natice.noaa.gov/index.html). Funding for this project is provided by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM). Walruses were tagged in the Chukchi Sea from 1–23 June, 2014.

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