Ice Seal Tracking Maps Archive

02/35/2019 – 02/50/2019

Requested Tracking Map
During the last sixteen days we have received locations for 3 bearded and 6 spotted seals. Two bearded seals are in the Chukchi Sea; B17-01-F (purple square) has moved north of Utqiaġvik and BS18-01-F (green square) remained in the southern Chukchi Sea. BS17-02-F, a 1-year old female bearded seal tagged in 2017, was located offshore of Scammon Bay. This bearded seal was last located on 11 July, 2018, near the ice edge and offshore of Utqiaġvik, in the Chukchi Sea. All six spotted seals are in the Bering Sea. Spotted seal SS18-01-M (orange circle) is still in Bristol Bay. Spotted seal SS18-06-M (yellow circle) has moved from St. Matthew Island to offshore of Scammon Bay. Spotted seal SS18-07-F (purple circle) has moved from the ice edge to north of St. Lawrence Island, in heavy pack ice. The remaining three spotted seals are south and west of St. Lawrence Island, near the ice edge. Sea ice data are courtesy of the U.S. National Ice Center, dated 19 February 2019 (

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