Commercial Herring Fishery Exvessel Prices

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What is in this report?

This report includes purchasing data reflecting the exvessel value, or the value of the "first purchase of raw fish". Data are self-reported by companies with valid Fisheries Business Licenses allowing them to purchase fish from fishermen. Data are collected at an annual, summary level (Area, Gear, Species, Condition). Prices in this report reflect a mixture of gear types and delivery conditions. All purchasing data were recorded on an ADF&G Commercial Operator's Annual Report (COAR) buying form.

What is not in this report?

This report does not include sales data, only purchasing data. The COAR buying form does not include data for dockside sales or estimated values for operations selling fish they harvested themselves. Not all processors complete the buying section of the COAR. Catcher-processors, direct marketers, EEZ-Only operations, and other permit types that do not buy product are not required to fill out the buying section of the report. For more information on which permit types have to fill out the COAR please see the Allowable Activities Matrix.

What data are confidential?

To protect confidentiality these data are aggregated to the level of 3 entities per row in compliance with ADF&G confidentiality guidelines. For COAR data, entities are determined by the unique company count (Federal EIN).

For questions concerning these data please email

ADF&G retains intellectual property rights to data collected by or for ADF&G. Any dissemination of the data must credit ADF&G as the source, with a disclaimer that exonerates the department for errors or deficiencies in reproduction, subsequent analysis, or interpretation. The State of Alaska, Department of Fish and Game, makes no express or implied warranties (including warranties of merchantability and fitness) with respect to the accuracy, character, function, or capabilities of the data, services, or products or their appropriateness for any particular purpose. The Department of Fish and Game is not liable for any direct, incidental, indirect, special, compensatory, consequential, or other damages suffered by the user or any other person or entity from the use of or failure of the data, services, or products even if the Department of Fish and Game has been advised of the possibility of such potential loss or damage. The entire risk as to the results of the use of the data, services, or products is assumed by the user. Data may be subject to periodic change without prior notification.

What do these fields mean?

Year — The operation year associated with an individual COAR.

Delivery Name — The delivery type for each purchase as recorded on COAR.

Statewide Average Exvessel Price per Pound (Preliminary, Nominal) — The COAR Buying Preliminary Amount Paid / COAR Buying Pounds Bought calculated for each row in the table. Preliminary prices may reflect estimates provided before a company sells their inventory. These prices have not been adjusted for inflation.

Statewide Average Exvessel Price per Pound (Final, Nominal) — The COAR Buying Preliminary Amount Paid / COAR Buying Pounds Bought calculated for each row in the table. Final prices include postseason adjustments and bonuses. These prices have not been adjusted for inflation.