Hunter skinning bison carcass Caring for a Bison Carcass

Even in the coldest weather, it is very important to skin your bison carcass and allow it to cool quickly. Bison have very thick fur and the entire hide must be removed for the meat to cool adequately and prevent spoilage. Bison fur is often full of sand and grit which can quickly dull knives — bring several knives and be prepared to sharpen them often.

When butchering the bison, remember, unless a hunt allows you to harvest either sex, state regulations require hunters to leave evidence of sex naturally attached to the carcass. Horns do not qualify as evidence of sex, so you must leave the sex organs attached on both bulls and cows in a selective-sex hunt.

Remember, even in an either sex hunt, it is required to report the sex of the animal. This information is important for management of the herd.

If hunting on farmland, please be courteous to the landowner and remove all bones from the farm fields after butchering your animal. Discarded bones can damage farm implements.