Commercial Fishing Reporting

COAR Production by Permit Type
Commercial Operator's Annual Reports (COAR)

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Data Source: OCEANAK ADF&G COAR Production Subject Area. Confidential information is excluded from this report.

Prices are from Commercial Operator's Annual Reports. The first buyer of raw fish, persons who catch and process fish, and persons who catch and have fish processed by another business are required to file an annual report of their purchasing and processing activities. This report is called the Commercial Operator's Annual Report (COAR) and is due by April 1 of the following year. The National Marine Fisheries Service also requires COAR reports from processing vessels operating in federal waters of the Exclusive Economic Zone. The COAR reports contain data on seafood purchasing, production, and both exvessel and wholesale values of seafood products. Wholesale values are reported in nominal dollars and have not been adjusted for inflation. Any dissemination of the data must credit ADF&G as the source, with a disclaimer that exonerates the department for errors or deficiencies in reproduction, subsequent analysis, or interpretation.

For more information on which permit types have to fill out the COAR please see the Allowable Activities Matrix.

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