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Fisher (Pekania pennanti)

Over the course of the 20th century, the fishers' range was reduced significantly as a result of over-trapping and habitat loss due to logging. In an effort to reestablish fisher populations, reintroduction efforts began in Nova Scotia in the 1940s. Since that time, over 21 successful reintroductions have taken place across North America, ranging from the east coast of Nova Scotia and Pennsylvania to Idaho, Oregon, and British Columbia. Population monitoring efforts through governmental and state agencies as well as academic institutions are ongoing throughout the fishers' distribution. A 2018-2019 study conducted by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game in conjunction with the University of Idaho aims to determine fisher occupancy and habitat requirements in Southeast Alaska as well as examine the potential effects that this new mesocarnivore will have on native mustelids in the area.

This paper looks at fisher colonizing Southeast Alaska and their interaction with marten and ermine.

Spatial and temporal partitioning of mustelids in Southeast Alaska

Caitlin A. Kupferman, Anthony P. Crupi, Lisette P. Waits, Sophie L. Gilbert
First published: 28 November 2021
