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Funding sources and partners

Recognizing the need to develop a mechanism to standardize the collection, storage, and analysis of fisheries information ADF&G AYK staff proposed a project to create a database management system for AYK.  Initially the USFWS Office of Subsistence Management (OSM) funded a 1 year pilot project (FIS 00-016) to create an inventory of existing salmon data sources, and to conduct a preliminary needs assessment survey of fisheries managers and researchers in the AYK Region. As part of this effort, historical and current AYK salmon projects were described and primary contact information (agency, project leader, etc.) was included (Hamner et al. 2002). A summary of the results of an informal survey of State and Federal fisheries management and research staff identified data sets and data summaries required to make more informed fishery management decisions. Supplemental funding was sought to assist in continuing work on the database management system for AYK. Sources included OSM, federal disaster relief funds appropriated for the purpose of restoration and rehabilitation of Norton Sound salmon populations (referred to as the NSSRR), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and the AYK Sustainable Salmon Initiative (AYK SSI) representing a portion of the federally appropriated Pacific Salmon Recovery fund. Two OSM proposals were approved for funding. Project FIS 02-069 for the period from March 15, 2002 to January 31, 2003 was used to continue organizing historical data (Hamner et al. 2003a) and project FIS 04-701 for the period from July 1, 2004 to June 30, 2007 will be used to complete the database management system (Brannian et al. 2004, 2005a; 2005b; 2006).

The Steering Committee for the NSSRR fund approved a 5 year project (from July 1, 2002 to June 30, 2007) for the development of a Norton Sound Salmon Information Database (Hamner et al. 2003 a, b). Although these funds were allocated specifically for Norton Sound, applications and database structures developed for the Norton Sound area were also used for other areas of the region since data collection follows a standard protocol across the region. A single database was developed.

Additional funding was requested after discovering a significant number of ASL electronic files had been lost as a result of changes in staff and degradation in aging electronic media. In response, NOAA funded a concurrent project to transfer data in obsolete media to current systems and aggregate, standardize, correct, and load chum salmon ASL data for the Kuskokwim,Norton Sound, and Kotzebue areas into a database (Hamner et al. 2004). A similar proposal focusing on species and areas not covered by the other funding sources was funded by AYK SSI (StClair and Hamner 2004). Recently, the Yukon River US/Canada panel funded a project to conduct detailed error checking and hand entry of remaining forms for Yukon River ASL data.

The work involved in inventorying, rescuing, editing, and loading data into databases exceeded the amount of funding available from any one source. Combined funding was sufficient to continue the development of an AYK database management system. Projects through time shared many overall objectives, but differed in duration or specific focus (i.e. specific areas or salmon species). At times, several funding sources were needed to complete tasks.

Published Reports

Brannian,L. K., S. Darr, H. A. Moore, and S. StClair. 2004. Scope of work for the AYK salmon database management system. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Commercial Fisheries, Regional Information Report 3A04-29, Anchorage.

Brannian, L. K., S. Darr, H. A. Moore, and S. StClair. 2005a. Development of the Arctic-Yukon-Kuskokwim salmon database management system through 2004. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Special Publication No. 05-04, Anchorage. http://www.sf.adfg.state.ak.us/FedAidPDFs/sp05-04.pdf

Brannian, L. K., S. Darr, H. A. Krenz, S. StClair, and C. Lawn.2005b. Development of the Arctic-Yukon-Kuskokwim salmon database management system through June 30, 2005. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Special Publication No. 05-10, Anchorage. http://www.sf.adfg.state.ak.us/FedAidPDFs/sp05-10.pdf

Brannian, L. K., K. R. Kamletz, H. A. Krenz, S. StClair, and C. Lawn. 2006. Development of the Arctic-Yukon-Kuskokwim salmon database management system through June 30, 2006. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Special Publication No. 06-21, Anchorage. http://www.sf.adfg.state.ak.us/FedAidPDFs/sp06-21.pdf

Hamner, H. H., S. Karpovich, and S. StClair. 2003a. Development of a shared AYK salmon database. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Commercial Fisheries, Regional Information Report No. 3A03-23, Anchorage.

Hamner, H. H., S. Karpovich, and S. StClair. 2003b. Norton Sound salmon file inventory and problem review. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Commercial Fisheries, Regional Information Report No. 3A03-01, Anchorage.

Hamner, H. H., S. StClair, and H. Moore. 2004. An inventory of age, sex, and length data for Norton Sound, Kotzebue, and Kuskokwim chum salmon. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Commercial Fisheries, Regional Information Report No. 3A04-06, Anchorage.

Krenz, H. A. and L. K. Brannian. 2006.Yukon River salmon age, sex, and length database error checking and finalization.Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Commercial Fisheries, Regional Information Report No. 3A06-08, Anchorage.

StClair, S., and H. H. Hamner. 2004. Kuskokwim, Yukon and Kotzebue data rescue, correction and standardization. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Commercial Fisheries, Southeast Sustainable Salmon Fund Final Report for Approved Projects 45225, Juneau.