/ AYK Region Management Areas
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AYK Region

The Arctic-Yukon-Kuskokwim (AYK) Region includes all waters of Alaska that drain into the Bering Sea, Chukchi Sea, and Arctic Ocean north from Cape Newenham. For the purposes of salmon fishery management the region has been divided into four Management Areas which have been subsequently divided into districts and subdistricts. Area definitions and the designations of districts or subdistricts within each area of AYK in Alaska follow those defined in regulation (AS 5AAC.). The Yukon River in Canada has been defined as a fifth Management Area in AYK for purposes of archiving data in the AYKDBMS. For the Canadian portion of the Yukon River area names and definitions follow those used by the managing agency; Canada Department of Fisheries and Oceans (CDFO).


The Kotzebue Area includes all waters of Alaska between Point Hope and Cape Prince of Wales including those waters draining into the Chukchi Sea. It has only one salmon fishing district (Kotzebue District).


The Kuskokwim Area includes the Kuskokwim River drainage, all waters of Alaska that flow into the Bering Sea between Cape Newenham and the Naskonat Peninsula, and Nunivak and St. Matthew Islands. It has four salmon fishing districts representing the Kuskokwim River (W1 and W2), Kuskokwim Bay (W4), and Goodnews Bay (W5). 

Norton Sound-Port Clarence

The Norton Sound- Port Clarence Area includes all waters that drain into Norton Sound from Cape Prince of Wales to Point Romanof, including the waters of Alaska surrounding St. Lawrence Island and those waters draining into the Bering Sea. The area has been divided into two salmon fishing districts; Point Clarence and Norton Sound. The Norton Sound District has been subdivided into six subdistricts; Nome Subdistrict (1), Golovin Subdistrict (2), Moses Point Subdistrict (3), Norton Bay Subdistrict (4), Shaktoolik Subdistrict (5), and Unalakleet Subdistrict (6).


The Yukon-Northern Area includes all waters of Alaska between the latitude of Point Romanof and the latitude of the westernmost point of the Naskonat Peninsula, including those waters draining into the Bering Sea and all waters of Alaska north of the latitude of the westernmost tip of Point Hope and those waters of Alaska draining into the Arctic Ocean and the Chukchi Sea to the north and east. Only the Yukon River drainage has been divided into salmon fishing districts (Y1 through Y6) and represents the area from which salmon data have been collected in the area. The Yukon River also extends into Canada and those waters have been defined as another area for the AYKDBMS.

Yukon (Canada)

The Yukon-Canada Area includes all waters of the Yukon River and it’s tributaries that drain the Yukon Territory and the province of British Columbia in Canada. Salmon do spawn in the Canadian portion of the Porcupine River and the Yukon River. Salmon are not known to pass into the Canadian portion of the Tanana River.