Wildlife Management & Research

Nineteen species of furbearers are trapped in Alaska: beaver; coyote; arctic fox; red fox; lynx; Alaska and hoary marmot; marten; mink; muskrat; river otter; red, flying, and ground squirrels; least and short-tailed weasel; wolf; wolverine; and woodchuck. Trapping effort is partly a function of pelt value in the fur trade. ADF&G uses aerial sampling techniques to estimate population levels of wolverines, wolves, foxes, and lynx in selected areas. Biologists then extrapolate to estimate population sizes in other areas with similar habitats. Harvest information is collected from fur export and acquisition records, and fur sealing reports for those species for which the law requires "sealing" by department staff or other designated persons. An annual survey is distributed to about 1,500 trappers to provide additional insight about the relative abundance and trends of Alaska's furbearers.

Publications & Reports

Information by Species