Mammal, Bird & Reptile Permits
Possession of Trophies

The laws governing the possession, sale, and use of wildlife parts are complex. If you are unsure whether something is legal, please consult your local Alaska Wildlife Trooper or Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) office. ADF&G has authority over trophies of native mammals killed in Alaska, but not marine mammals including polar bears.

For questions about polar bears, walrus, and sea otters, please contact the US Fish and Wildlife Service at: (907) 271-6198.

For questions about all other marine mammals, please contact the National Marine Fisheries Service at: (907) 586-7221.

Selling trophies, finished skins, and some skulls of big game animals requires a permit from ADF&G.

Trophy is defined as: a mount of a big game animal, including the skin of the head (cape) or the entire skin, in a lifelike representation of the animal. This includes a lifelike representation made from any part of a big game animal. The word "trophy" also includes a "European mount" in which the horns or antlers and the skull or a portion of the skull are mounted for display.

Permits to Sell Skins and Trophies (For more information see regulation 5 AAC 92.031.)

  • Permit to Sell Trophies from a Bankruptcy/Divorce/Estate/Other or if Unclaimed with a Taxidermist