Ice Seal Tracking Maps Archive

08/231/2019 – 09/246/2019

Requested Tracking Map
From 19 August to 3 September, we received locations for 5 ringed and 1 spotted seal. Two ringed seals (RS19-02-M, yellow arrow, and RS19-04-M, blue arrow) moved along the continental shelf break (200-m isobath) to an area northeast of Utqiaġvik in the Beaufort Sea. RS19-01-M, red arrow, moved beyond the shelf break and into deeper water in the Beaufort Sea. Ringed seals RS19-03-M (orange arrow) and RS19-05-M (purple arrow) were near the continental shelf-break in the northern Chukchi Sea. Spotted seal SS18-02-M (brown circle) made localized movements and hauled out near Scammon Bay in the Bering Sea. Sea ice data are courtesy of the U.S. National Ice Center, dated 3 September 2019 (

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