Ice Seal Tracking Maps Archive

01/15/2018 – 01/29/2018

Requested Tracking Map
During the last 14 days we have received locations for 4 bearded, 2 ringed, and 5 spotted seals. Eight of 11 seals are located in the Bering Sea. All five spotted seals are located within the marginal ice zone (<80% ice concentration) or open water and are generally located between St. Matthew and Nunivak islands. Of note, bearded seal BS17-04-F (green square) has left Kotzebue Sound after spending over three month in the Sound (entered on 17 October). Bearded seal BS17-01-F (purple square) continues to make short movements parallel to the coastline near Utqiaġvik. Sea ice data are courtesy of the U.S. National Ice Center, dated 29 January (

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