Southeast Alaska Chinook Salmon Fishery Mitigation Program
2012–2015 Program

Approximately $8.4 million in Southeast Alaska Chinook Salmon Fishery Mitigation Funds was available for allocation to projects for 2012-2015. Using input from the Chinook Mitigation Stakeholder Panel and the public, a Governor's Fisheries Subcabinet considered the recommendations and approved program components. The approved framework for the 2012-2015 Chinook Mitigation Program included three components, to be funded over three years:

Program Components and Funding Allocations
Program Component 2012 2013 2014 Total
Salmon Enhancement $500,000 $550,000 - $1,050,000
Salmon Fishery Infrastructure $1,760,000 $633,000 - $2,393,000
Direct Compensation to Trollers (Part I) $115,000 - - $115,000
Direct Compensation to Trollers (Part II) $3,300,000 - $1,542,000 $4,842,000
TOTAL $5,675,000 $1,183,000 $1,542,000 $8,400,000

All distributions are through grant programs implemented by the Department of Commerce, Community and Economic Development.

The Stakeholder Panel met in October 2013 and via teleconference in April 2014 to provide additional recommendations regarding expenditures of funds that were unallocated or not fully utilized during the grant period. Adjustments were made within the program components and general funding allocations approved by the Fisheries Subcabinet in June 2012, and funds were allocated to a salmon research component. See program component pages that follow for more information regarding funded projects.