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Coonstripe Shrimp (Pandalus hypsinotus)

Trawl surveys are used to monitor several species of shrimp annually in Kodiak, and are periodically conducted in Lower Cook Inlet to monitor the coonstripe shrimp stock. In both cases these surveys are monitoring for indications of stock rebuilding. Annual shrimp pot surveys are conducted in Southeast Alaska and Prince William Sound to assess the spot shrimp, Pandalus platyceros. Data from these surveys are used to provide information to managers regarding spot shrimp stock trends and to investigate the species' life history, with the ultimate goal of supporting sustainable management of the fishery. Information on coonstripe shrimp is collected during the Southeast Alaska pot surveys, through dockside sampling of catches, and on-the-grounds sampling of commercial harvest. Comprehensive commercial harvest records (fish tickets) provide information on catch per unit effort (CPUE) and harvest distribution.