Alaska Fish & Wildlife News
September 2024

Stocking Rainbow Trout
Triploid Fish for Conservation

By David Starzynski

You peer into crystal-clear water and see hundreds of brightly colored rainbow trout ready to spawn. Most people never see rainbow trout during the spawning season, but this isn’t the Kenai River. It is December in the brood holding tanks at the William Jack Hernandez Sport Fish Hatchery in Anchorage. Both light and temperature are controlled here by fish culturists to trick rainbow trout into thinking it’s time to spawn, months earlier than they would in the wild.

Roughly 4,500 ...   Triploid Rainbows Article Continued

How to keep birds from hitting your window

By Arin Underwood

The sound of a bird hitting your window is unmistakable and distressing. When my sister and I were startled by the hollow sound this July we went to investigate and found a White-winged Crossbill lying on the ground, stunned but alive. It was raining, so we carefully put the bird in a small box with a towel in the bottom and put it under the eaves so it would not get wet and cold but was away from potential predators. The bird needed some time to recover its bearings and we left it alone for ...   Window collisions Article Continued

Hunting in Alaska
Videos and Other Online Resources

By Riley Woodford

Hunting seasons are upon us in Alaska. Fish and Game offers a wealth of resources to help hunters with everything from hunt planning to meat care. A number of hunts for a variety of big game animals in Alaska have special requirements – viewing a video, or brushing up your skills telling a male animal from a female and then passing a quiz. In some cases, such as mountain goats and brown bears, these are measures are motivated by conservation concerns and to maximize hunting opportunities. ...   Hunting resources Article Continued