Outdoor Youth Days
Day Camp for Youth, ages 10–14
Rabbit Creek Shooting Park, Anchorage

Group photo
Archery group

The mission of Outdoor Youth Days is to foster an awareness, respect, and enjoyment of Alaska's natural resources and to promote outdoor activities which include the shooting sports, fishing, and other outdoor skills in a safe and ethical manner.

2025 Dates

Session I: June 2, 3 & 4
Session II: June 9, 10, & 11

Hands-on Activities

  • Firearm Safety
  • Shotgun Shooting
  • Rifle Shooting
  • Archery
  • Map & Compass
  • Outdoor Survival Skills
  • Fly Fishing
  • Spin Fishing
  • Wildlife Identification
  • Tracking
  • Boating Safety

Space is limited to 30 students per session (ages 10-14 ONLY). The cost for the 2024 camp is $135.00 per participant.

For additional information or questions about Outdoor Youth Days, please contact (907) 267-2534 or dfg.dwc.hitprogram@alaska.gov.

OHFA and ADFG logos

Workshop Funding

The Outdoor Youth Days program is made possible by the cooperative efforts of the Alaska Department of Fish & Game (ADFG) and their official foundation the Outdoor Heritage Foundation of Alaska (OHFA). OHFA is a nonprofit organization dedicated to education in hunting and fishing. OHFA is supported by donations from individuals, companies, and organizations with an interest in sharing their enthusiasm for outdoor activities. www.ohfak.org