Division of Wildlife Conservation (DWC) Publications

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Project: T-3-1-11.12  


  • Small mammals: State Wildlife Grant performance reports for projects involving small mammals
    Small mammals: State Wildlife Grant performance reports for projects involving small mammals. Combined reports for projects completed during 2005-2009 for the following projects: T-1-6-9: Distribution and phylogeography of collared pika and Alaska marmot in Alaska. T-1-6-10: Acoustic monitoring of Southeast Alaska bats. T-1-6-12: Distribution and habitat ecology of bats in Southeast Alaska with emphasis on Keen's long-eared myotis. T-3-1-6.10: Baseline survey of small mammal species and their distribution across the Kenai Peninsula. T-3-1-6.11: Inventory of small mammals on Minto Flats State Game Refuge, Alaska. T-3-1-11.12: Population and habitat assessments for CWCS featured species in Southcentral Alaska. T-9-1-1.0: Phylogeography, taxonomy and conservation genetics of Alaska's enigmatic hoary marmots.
    Linkto http://www.adfg.alaska.gov/static/home/library/pdfs/wildlife/federal_aid/small_mammals.pdf (PDF)  More details about Small mammals: State Wildlife Grant performance reports for projects involving small mammals