Division of Wildlife Conservation (DWC) Publications

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4 Resource(s) found.

Project: T-1-6-2  


  • Landbirds: Annual and final performance reports for State Wildlife Grant funded projects related to landbirds.
    Landbirds: Annual and final performance reports for State Wildlife Grant funded projects related to landbirds. Projects are listed below: T-1-6-2: Banding Station, Creamer's Field. (Alaska Bird Observatory). T-1-16-6: Passerine Data Analysis and Monitoring at the Creamer's Field Migration Station (Alaska Bird Observatory). T-3-1-3.11: Verifying the status of the Eskimo curlew (Numenius borealis) in Alaska.T-3-1-4.12: Assessing the value of Alaska state lands for an imperiled species, the Rusty Blackbird. T-1-6-5: Distribution and seasonal habitat use of American dippers.T-4-1-2: American Dipper nesting ecology. Part 1: Phenology patterns and distribution in an exceptional year; Part 2: Bird blowfly infestations in nests. T-1-6-7: Breeding ecology and habitat quality for arctic warbler in Interior Alaska.T-9-1-2.0: Population structure and conservation status of spruce grouse in Southeast Alaska. T-3-1-4.10: Inventory and monitoring of landbirds on state lands.
    Linkto http://www.adfg.alaska.gov/static/home/library/pdfs/wildlife/federal_aid/landbirds.pdf (PDF)  More details about Landbirds: Annual and final performance reports for State Wildlife Grant funded projects related to landbirds.