Division of Wildlife Conservation (DWC) Publications

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4 Resource(s) found.

Project: T-1-6-14  


  • Seabirds: State Wildilfe Grant performance reports for projects about seabirds
    ​Seabirds: State Wildilfe Grant performance reports for projects about seabirds. Combined progress reports completed during 2005-2009 for the following projects:T-1--6-14: Current population and decadal trends of Kittlitz's and marbled murrelets in Kachemak Bay, Alaska. T-1-16-1: Marbled murrelet activity patterns and health at Port Snettisham, Alaska. T-1-3-2.10: Field testing alternative survey methods for monitoring marbled murrelet populations in Southeast Alaska. T-1-16-5: Detecting trends in marbled murrelet populations in Southeast Alaska. T-3-1-2.11: Northern Bristol Bay seabird survey. T-3-1-3.10: An integrated regional ecological assessment of the Black oystercatcher (Haematopus bachmani). T-3-1-10.11: Murrelet Watch--A citizen-based monitoring program in Southeast Alaska. T-3-1-11.11: Population and habitat assessments for species of greatest conservation need in Southeast Alaska. T-8-1-1.0: Marbled murrelet habitat use and activity patterns at Port Snettisham, Alaska.
    Linkto http://www.adfg.alaska.gov/static/home/library/pdfs/wildlife/federal_aid/seabirds.pdf (PDF)  More details about Seabirds: State Wildilfe Grant performance reports for projects about seabirds