How Much Paper Do We Use?

Standard Rating Guide
  • References: the lesson only references the standard
  • Part: the lesson teaches part of the lesson
  • Assesses: the lesson teaches the standard thoroughly so that the standard can be assessed

Activity Description

Abstract: 1. Stuedents will determine the amount of paper they use daily as individuals, as a classroom, as a school. 2. Students will undertand that they can contribute to paper recycling. 3. Students will develop a plan for reducing the volume of paper wast in their classroom and/or school.

Curriculum Book: Alaska's Forests & Wildlife
Page number: 199

Age Groups

Kindergarten - 6th Grade

Educational Standards

   Mathematics A-3   Part
   Mathematics A-4   References
   Mathematics A-6   Part
   Geography E-1   References
   Geography E-2   References
   Geography E-6   References
   Geography E-7   References

Educational Topics

   Community Attitudes
   Human Responsibilities and Environment
   Resource Use
   Responsible Human Action/Effects on Wildlife and Ecosystems
   Value of Trees