When a Whale is Right

Standard Rating Guide
  • References: the lesson only references the standard
  • Part: the lesson teaches part of the lesson
  • Assesses: the lesson teaches the standard thoroughly so that the standard can be assessed

Activity Description

Abstract: Students will 1)describe general characteristics and status of whales, 2)recognize that international alliances affect wildlife, and 3)evaluate the possible impact of wildlife issues on alliances and other relationshops between and amoung nations.

Curriculum Book: Project Wild Aquatic
Page number: 94

Age Groups

9th Grade - 12th Grade

Educational Standards

   English/Language Arts B-2   References
   English/Language Arts D-1   References
   English/Language Arts D-2   References
   English/Language Arts D-4   References
   English/Language Arts E-1   References
   English/Language Arts E-2   References
   Geography E-1   References
   Geography E-2   References
   Geography E-4   References
   Government and Citizenship D-4   Part
   Government and Citizenship D-5   Part
   Government and Citizenship G-1   References
   Government and Citizenship G-2   Part
   Government and Citizenship G-3   References
   Healthy Life B-1   References

Educational Topics

   Resource Use
   Responsible Human Action/Effects on Wildlife and Ecosystems
   Animal and Plant Kingdoms
   Community Attitudes
   Conflicting Points of View Regarding Natural Resource Issues
   Endangered, Rare or Threatened Species
   Fish/Fishing Issues
   Carrying Capacity and Limiting Factors
   Management- Concepts, Habitat and Techniques
   Science and Society