2024 Preliminary Alaska Commercial Salmon Harvest - Blue Sheet

The Blue Sheet reports cumulative salmon harvest during the commercial fishing season in thousands of fish. Statewide harvest estimates on this page are refreshed twice daily. Please note, inseason harvest estimates published in this report are preliminary and subject to change. Confidential catch information is not included in these cumulative totals. Questions about inseason data collection and individual estimates should be directed to the fishery area management biologists.

For more information on the Blue Sheet, inseason summaries, and harvest timing charts please see our Blue Sheet, Inseason Summary, and Harvest Timing Charts Overview page.


Data are Rounded to Thousands of Fish


Arctic-Yukon-Kuskokwim (AYK) Region

District or Fishery Chinook Chum Coho Pink Sockeye Total
Kotzebue Area
Kotzebue —  2 —  —  —  2
Kotzebue Total —  2 —  —  —  2
Kuskokwim Area
Kuskokwim Bay —  —  —  —  —  — 
Kuskokwim River —  —  —  —  —  — 
Kuskokwim Total —  —  —  —  —  — 
Norton Sound Area
Norton Sound —  4 —  3 —  7
Norton Sound Total —  4 —  3 —  7
Yukon River Area
Lower Yukon —  —  —  —  —  — 
Upper Yukon —  —  —  —  —  — 
Yukon River Total —  —  —  —  —  — 
AYK Region Total —  6 —  3 —  9

Data are Rounded to Thousands of Fish

Central Region

District or Fishery Chinook Chum Coho Pink Sockeye Total
Bristol Bay Area
Egegik District —  —  —  —  5,171 5,171
Naknek-Kvichak District —  —  —  —  9,131 9,131
Nushagak District 2 199 3 9 11,830 12,043
Togiak District —  37 —  2 350 389
Ugashik District —  —  —  —  4,256 4,256
Bristol Bay Total 2 236 3 11 30,738 30,990
Upper Cook Inlet Area
Central District —  59 9 34 1,625 1,727
Northern District —  —  —  —  —  — 
Lower Cook Inlet Area
Eastern District —  —  —  —  37 37
Kamishak Bay District —  —  —  —  19 19
Outer District —  —  —  —  3 3
Southern District —  —  —  1 138 139
Cook Inlet Total —  59 9 35 1,822 1,925
Prince William Sound Area
Bering River Drift —  —  —  —  57 57
Coghill District Drift —  229 —  41 95 365
Copper River Drift 6 27 1 3 1,389 1,426
Eshamy District Drift/Set —  68 —  68 1,155 1,291
Montague District —  —  —  —  —  — 
PWS General Seine —  793 1 3,820 78 4,692
PWS Hatchery —  348 —  1,704 347 2,399
Unakwik District Drift —  —  —  —  —  — 
Prince William Sound Total 6 1,465 2 5,636 3,121 10,230
Central Region Total 8 1,760 14 5,682 35,681 43,145

Data are Rounded to Thousands of Fish

Southeast Region

District or Fishery Chinook Chum Coho Pink Sockeye Total
Annette Island 1 184 1 25 3 214
Hatchery Cost Recovery 16 613 —  6 —  635
Hatchery Terminal Gillnet 8 851 —  —  4 863
Hatchery Terminal Seine 9 2,297 1 77 12 2,396
Hatchery Terminal Troll 2 7 —  —  —  9
Lynn Canal Gillnet —  586 —  —  6 592
Prince of Wales Gillnet 1 92 2 2 31 128
Seine-Northern —  112 1 65 74 252
Seine-Southern —  698 36 1,586 68 2,388
Stikine River Gillnet —  25 —  —  12 37
Taku-Snettisham Gillnet 1 544 —  1 22 568
Tree Point Gillnet 1 254 1 16 17 289
Troll-Spring 14 2 —  —  —  16
Troll-Summer 81 68 37 3 —  189
Troll-Winter 48 —  —  —  —  48
Yakutat Gillnet —  11 —  —  —  11
Southeast Region Total 182 6,344 79 1,781 249 8,635

Data are Rounded to Thousands of Fish

Westward Region

District or Fishery Chinook Chum Coho Pink Sockeye Total
Alaska Peninsula Area
North Peninsula 1 31 —  1 1,023 1,056
South Peninsula 6 484 45 438 1,237 2,210
Alaska Peninsula Total 7 515 45 439 2,260 3,266
Aleutian Islands Area
Aleutian Islands —  —  —  —  —  — 
Aleutian Islands Total —  —  —  —  —  — 
Chignik Area
Chignik 2 26 22 97 179 326
Chignik Total 2 26 22 97 179 326
Kodiak Area
Kodiak 1 413 6 209 581 1,210
Kodiak Total 1 413 6 209 581 1,210
Westward Region Total 10 954 73 745 3,020 4,802

Data are Rounded to Thousands of Fish


District or Fishery Chinook Chum Coho Pink Sockeye Total
Statewide Totals 200 9,064 166 8,211 38,950 56,591