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The islands, mountains, and icefields that create such a dramatic landscape in Southeast Alaska also make it an expensive and challenging place to do research. Surveys and field studies typically focus on a few species at a time in a relatively small area, so it is not surprising that our knowledge of so many of the species that live here remains so limited. There will simply never be enough biologists to answer all our questions or address all of our conservation needs! But although formal studies in this region may be few, local residents often possess considerable knowledge of and interest in the wildlife in their community.

The goal of the Alaska Citizen Science Program is to connect scientists and citizens so they can work together to learn about and conserve the region's wildlife. Through training and education, we will provide you with the tools you need to participate in ongoing scientific studies. Currently, in Southeast Alaska we are studying bats! You can be as active and involved as you want, from simply reporting a bat sighting to conducting a formal acoustic monitoring survey for bats. Your contributions will directly benefit the work of the Threatened, Endangered, and Diversity Program by providing us with valuable information on local species that can be used to guide and inform research and conservation planning.

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