Area Sport Fishing Reports

Archived Sport Fishing Report

September 22, 2014

The summer fishing season is now behind us as the snow creeps lower on the mountainside. While many anglers will put up their rods for the winter, there are fishing opportunites that can be had year round.

Saltwater Fishing:

While the best marine salmon fishing is behind us for this year, king salmon can be found in local waters throughout the winter.  Anglers are reminded that two rods may be used when fishing for king salmon between October 1, 2014 and March 31, 2015.  Halibut fishing can be good for a little while longer but typically begin to decline towards winter averages during the next month as these fish move toward deeper waters and offshore areas.

Freshwater fishing:

The last of the coho salmon are spawning in local streams. Dolly Varden and trout fishing can be excellent in the fall as they feed on displaced salmon eggs and move into overwintering habitat. Later in winter, and even when fishing through the ice, look for Dolly Varden and trout in deep pools or lakes. Bait can be used in most freshwater systems between September 15 and November 15 but there are some bodies of water where this does not apply (see your "2014 Southeast Alaska Sport Fishing Regulations Summary" or the online edition at the link below for specific area information)


 This will be the last fishing report for the 2014 season but these reports will resume in May of 2015.  Anglers are reminded that the 2014 Southeast Alaska Fishing Regulation Summary applies until the 2015 summary is issued in the Spring of 2015. 




Petersburg Area Archives for:
Sep 22, 2014 Jul 11, 2014 Apr 03, 2014

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