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Division: Sport Fish
Title: Seasonal distribution and migration of rainbow trout in the Kanektok River, 2009-2011
Author: Schwanke, C. J., K. S. Gates and M. J. Lisac
Year: 2014
Report ID: Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Fishery Data Series No. 14-03, Anchorage
Abstract: Rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss in the Kanektok River were radiotagged and tracked for two years to describe seasonal distributions, migration patterns and identify major spawning areas. From 3 to 12 August 2009, radio tags were surgically implanted into 200 rainbow trout =430 mm FL throughout 160 river kilometers (rkm) of the drainage. Radio tags were distributed uniformly at a density of 20 tags per 16.5-km river section to maximize detecting geographic (e.g., upper vs. lower river) differences in behavior that may exist in the population. A total of 36 aerial tracking surveys were flown from 16 August 2009 through 10 August 2011. Results of the study indicated that: 1) fish were most scattered in the summer months; 2) spawning and overwintering areas were relatively sparse in the upper half of the river, but pervasive in the lower half of the river; 3) peak spawning occurred from early to mid-June; 4) Kagati/Pegati lakes appear to be an important overwintering area for fish summering in the upper river; 5) mean annual home range of radiotagged rainbow trout was 21.2 rkm the first year (August 2009–August 2010) and 19.2 km the second year (August 2010–August 2011) with fish summering in the upper drainage typically having larger ranges; 6) the greatest seasonal movements occurred during fall and spring seasons; 7) on average, each rainbow trout returned to within 2.7 km of their previous summer location; and, 8) this study provided valuable information for designing future studies (e.g., abundance estimates) and evaluating previous studies of rainbow trout in the drainage.
Keywords: rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, telemetry, Kanektok River, Kanuktik Creek, movement, migration, home range, overwintering areas, seasonal distribution, spawning areas