Fisheries, Subsistence, and Habitat
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Division: Commercial Fish
Title: Goodnews River Fisheries Studies, 1987
Author: Schultz, K. and C. Burkey Jr.
Year: 1989
Report ID: Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Commercial Fisheries, Regional Information Report 3B89-02, Anchorage
Abstract: The Goodnews River salmon counting tower operated from 22 June through 30 July 1987. An estimated 2,274 chinook (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), 28,871 sockeye (O. nerka), 62 coho (O. kisutch), 64 pink (O. gorbuscha) and 17,519 chum (O. keta) salmon migrated past the counting tower during the 1987 operational period. The chinook and sockeye salmon season passage was below the minimum escapement objective established for the project. Chum salmon season passage was within escapement objectives. Aerial survey counts of the Goodnews River system, in combination with tower estimates of the Middle Fork Goodnews River, provided a 1987 escapement estimate of 4,490 chinook, 51,989 sockeye and 37,802 chum salmon returning to the Goodnews River. The escapement estimates combined with the reported commercial and the estimated subsistence harvest in Goodnews Bay yields a total run estimate of 8,663 chinook, 80,702 sockeye and 58,761 chum salmon.
Keywords: Goodnews River, salmon, counting tower