Area Sport Fishing Reports

Archived Sport Fishing Report

August 03, 2023

Freshwater Fishing

Arctic Grayling

  • Arctic grayling are currently at their summer feeding locations where they will remain throughout most of August before beginning their fall migration to overwintering areas during mid to late September. Despite late July rain showers, Nome Creek (Beaver Creek tributary) and the Ikhèenjik River (Birch Creek), which can be accessed from the Steese Highway, are running clear and offer excellent fishing opportunities for Arctic grayling. Remember, only catch-and-release fishing for Arctic grayling is allowed in Nome Creek.
  • Conditions are similar for streams within the Fortymile River drainage, which can be accessed from the Taylor Highway, and streams along the Dalton Highway. Many of the streams accessed from the Steese, Dalton, and Taylor Highways are headwaters. In general, older and larger adult Arctic grayling will occupy the upper reaches of a river or stream, with proportionately larger numbers of smaller adults and juveniles lower in the drainages. If you travel up the Quartz Creek trail or access other areas of the Beaver Creek drainage, be aware that the fall subsistence hunt for caribou opens August 1st and the state Fortymile hunt opens on August 10th.
  • The weather forecast for the Eastern and Northern Interior of Alaska for early to mid-August is for unseasonably high temperatures, which will also increase water temperatures. When water temperatures increase, resident species like Arctic grayling will seek cooler water in deep eddies or travel to the lower portions of tributaries that have more water. Please practice good catch-and-release techniques as warmer waters can cause additional stress to the fish.
  • Popular gear used to capture Arctic grayling are shiny spoons when the streams are wide enough and colorful jigs for narrower streams and creeks.
  • A good video for what you will need to successfully fish for Arctic grayling can be found at: How to Fish for Arctic grayling.

Northern Pike

  • Sport fishing for northern pike is good in slower moving waters. Popular fishing locations for large northern pike are at the mouths of major tributaries that drain into the mainstem Yukon River such as the Dall, Ray, Nowitna, and Innoko Rivers, and Hess Creek. Popular lures that fishers have reported success for catching northern pike include buzzbait, booyah, jitterbugs, shiny spoons, and shads. Similar to Arctic grayling, during hot weather northern pike may move to cooler, deeper areas within the tributaries or out into the mainstem Yukon River.


  • Sport fishing opportunities for sheefish are good at the mouths of major and minor tributaries in the Yukon River such as the Innoko, Koyukuk, Nowitna, and Porcupine Rivers, and Hess Creek. Large, shiny, and/or colorful spoons are popular lures for catching sheefish such as crocodiles, pixies, and daredevils, as well as various shads that mimic juvenile prey. Similar to Arctic grayling and northern pike, during hot weather sheefish may move to cooler, deeper areas within the tributaries or out into the mainstem Yukon River.


  • Sport fisheries for king and chum salmon are closed throughout the Yukon Management Area (excluding the Tanana River) because of below-average salmon runs and closures of the subsistence fishery. Currently, the king salmon run is nearing completion and is one of the lowest on record.
  • The summer chum salmon run is also nearing completion, and fall chum salmon are entering the Yukon River. Currently, fall chum salmon numbers are trending below average, which has necessitated restrictions and closures to the subsistence fishery. As a result, the commercial and sport fisheries for chum salmon remain closed.
  • Coho salmon typically enter the Yukon River in mid-August. This year’s coho salmon run is anticipated to be below average to average and there are currently no restrictions for the subsistence and sport fisheries. However, be sure to check the ADF&G website for any Emergency Orders and Advisory Announcements before targeting this species.

Emergency orders

Please review the Emergency Orders and Advisory Announcements below in their entirety before heading out on your next fishing trip:

  • Emergency Order 3-KS-Y-3-2023 closes the Yukon River drainage excluding the Tanana River drainage, to sport fishing for king salmon.
  • Emergency Order 3-CS-Y-4-2023 closes the Yukon River drainage excluding the Tanana River drainage, to sport fishing for king salmon.

Catch-and-release techniques

  • Because fish typically grow and reproduce more slowly at high latitudes and elevations, please use proper catch-and-release techniques when engaging in catch-and-release in order to ensure the survival of the released fish such as:
    • Use lures with a single hook and crimp down the barb. Do not use bait.
    • Land the fish with a soft net and keep the fish in the water when removing the hook.
    • To release the fish, hold it gently facing into the current or in water without a current to gently cradle the fish and move it slowly back and forth until it swims away under its own power.

Caution in bear country

  • August is berry season in Alaska. Take care when fishing near berry patches because bears are currently eating large quantities in preparation for hibernation. During the summer it is important wherever you fish to be bear-aware. Here is some information on staying safe in bear country: Traveling in Alaska's Bear Country

For More Information

For more information, please call Yukon Area Management Biologist Lisa Stuby at 907-459-7202.


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