Area Sport Fishing Reports
Upper Copper/Upper Susitna

Archived Sport Fishing Report

June 01, 2023

ADF&G News

You can purchase your 2023 sport fishing license at the ADF&G Online Store and print it off from the comfort of your home. Also, be sure to review Emergency Orders and the 2023 Northern Sport Fishing Regulations Summary Booklet for the area you are fishing in before you head out.

ADF&G is mobile. You can purchase and display your fishing license and king stamp, record your annual harvest (i.e. king salmon, halibut), access sport fishing regulations and locations, and so much more on your mobile device. Download the ADF&G Mobile App today.

Check out ADF&G's new gofishak interactive map to discover popular fishing locations and information on species run timing, fishing gear selections, and boat and angler access tips.

Personal Use Fishing

  • The Chitina Subdistrict personal use salmon fishery on the Copper River is set to open on Wednesday, June 7 but will likely be delayed due to late-run timing. The high cold water on the Copper River is slowing entry of salmon into the river so expect a later start to the season.

Informational Hotlines for Chitina Personal Use Fishery

  • Glennallen: 907-822-5224

Sport Fishing

Resident freshwater species

  • Spring arrived late in the Copper River Basin. Most bigger lakes, such as Lake Louise, Paxson, Summit and Crosswind Lakes remain frozen Paxson Lake may not open until mid-June this year.
  • All rivers and streams are flowing and most are running high with snow melt. You may still find some migrating Arctic grayling in the streams that aren't blown out due to high, muddy, water.
  • Most stocked lakes around Chitina are open and the fish are hungry so now is a good time to tempt them with some shrimp, salmon eggs or other tasty morsels. Other small lakes in the area still have ice on them, but should start opening up next week.
  • While you wait for the rivers and lakes to open up, you can research new spots to fish. For a guide to where all the accessible fisheries are, check out Sport fishing Alaska rivers and lakes in the Upper Copper/Upper Susitna River Basin. This guide lists all the fisheries, species available and mile markers along all the major highways crossing the Upper Copper and Upper Susitna Area.


  • The 2023 Copper River forecast is 1.6 million wild and hatchery sockeye salmon combined, and 53,000 king salmon. The in-river goal for the number of salmon passing the Miles Lake sonar is 608,000–998,000 salmon. This goal ensures sufficient salmon for spawning escapement, subsistence, personal use and sport fishing needs, and hatchery brood stock. As noted above, the high cold water on the Copper River is slowing entry of salmon into the river so expect a late start to the season.
  • The Miles Lake sonar counter has not yet been installed due to continued ice flow from Miles Lake. Staff are hoping to have the sonar up and running late this week.

Emergency Orders

Please review the Emergency Orders and Advisory Announcements listed at the top of this report in their entirety before heading out on your next fishing trip.

Press Release

For more information

Call the Glennallen office at (907) 822-3309 with any questions.


Upper Copper Upper Susitna Area Archives for:
Sep 01, 2023 Aug 24, 2023 Aug 16, 2023 Aug 10, 2023 Aug 02, 2023 Jul 27, 2023 Jul 19, 2023 Jul 12, 2023
Jul 05, 2023 Jun 29, 2023 Jun 23, 2023 Jun 14, 2023 Jun 08, 2023 Jun 01, 2023 May 23, 2023

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