Press Release ADF&G Logo
Cora Campbell, Acting Commissioner

Charles O. Swanton, Director

Tom Taube
Regional Management Coordinator
Phone: (907) 459-7225

January 23, 2013


During the January 15 – 20 Alaska Board of Fisheries meeting in Anchorage, the board considered 20 proposals that would change sport fishing regulations within the Arctic-Yukon-Kuskokwim (AYK) Region. The board adopted 10 proposals, resulting in changes to some AYK sport fishing regulations. Changes are listed below by area. If a regulation is not listed in this news release, that regulation will remain unchanged.

Regionwide changes

A proposal was adopted that allowed the use of multiple (treble) hooks with a gap between point and shank greater than ½” to take fish other than salmon in flowing waters. This aligned the regulations for this terminal gear in rivers and lakes in the AYK region and will reduce the need for anglers to change hooks on larger tackle generally used for northern pike. Anglers fishing for any salmon species may only use multiple hooks with a gap ½” or less, if permitted in the waters they are fishing.

A second proposal was adopted that clarified language in the Kuskokwim and Tanana River areas. Unbaited, single-hook artificial lure regulations in these areas will allow only “one” unbaited, single-hook artificial lure with one hook or only one artificial fly to be used. This action aligned regulations for unbaited, single-hook artificial lure waters in the region.

Tanana River drainage

The board adopted a proposal to update the list of stocked lakes in regulation that fall under the stocked lakes background bag and possession limit of 10 fish (all stocked species in combination), only 1 fish 18” or larger. This list is updated every board cycle based on lakes being dropped from or added to the stocked waters program. Please check the regulation summary to see which lakes are included under the stocked lakes background bag and possession limits.

Several proposals were amended and adopted that changed management strategy for several stocked lakes or removed lakes from the stocked lakes regulations.

  • Rainbow Lake was moved from special to conservative management, changing the bag limit from one fish over 18,” to 5 fish (stocked species combined), with only one fish over 18”.
  • Donnelly and Monte lakes were moved from special to regional management and will now have a bag limit of 10 fish (stocked species combined), with only one fish over 18”.
  • Little Harding Lake and Summit Lake (Cantwell) were dropped from the stocking program due to northern pike presence (Little Harding Lake) or no public access (Summit Lake). These lakes will no longer be stocked and regulations default to the background regulations for the area or special regulations for the specific lake.

A proposal was adopted that opened the northern pike fishery in the Tanana River drainage lakes year round, with the exception of George and Volkmar lakes, which remain open June 1 through April 20, and the Chatanika River drainage (including Minto Flats and lakes) which is open June 1 through October 14. Harding Lake will remain closed to northern pike fishing and Little Harding Lake was closed to northern pike fishing, as a means to rebuild the northern pike population in these adjoining lakes.

A proposal was adopted that clarified the large multiple hook regulation in the Chena River and aligned it with the regionwide specifications. A multiple hook must have a gap between point and shank greater than ½” when taking fish other than salmon. The last Tanana River drainage proposal that was adopted repealed the regulation closing Fielding Lake to salmon fishing. Salmon are not present in Fielding Lake and this action removed misleading language from the regulations.

Northwest Area drainages

Two proposals were adopted that changed regulations in several drainages of the Northwest Area. One opened the waters between the tips of Cape Rodney and Topkok Head (also known as the Nome Subdistrict) to a sport fishing bag and possession limit for chum salmon of 3 fish. This includes the Sinuk, Cripple, Penny, Snake, Nome, Flambeau, Eldorado, Bonanza, and Solomon rivers. The department will manage these by emergency order to ensure that escapements will be met. The second proposal added language to the Subdistricts 5 and 6 of the Norton Sound District and the Unalakleet River King Salmon Management Plan that would reduce the annual limit of king salmon to one fish if the subsistence fishery gillnet mesh size is reduced to 6 inches or less for conservation of king salmon.

These regulations will take effect with the release of the 2013 Sport Fishing Regulations Summary. To find the outcome of specific proposals please check the Alaska Board of Fisheries website at: Any questions regarding these changes to the fishing regulations in the AYK Region can be directed to Tom Taube (907) 459-7225 at the Fairbanks Fish and Game office.