Kenai Chinook Estimates, Indices and Inseason Run Summaries

Location: Kenai River (Chinook)
Species: Chinook - Early Run
Method: Sonar

The selected years are color-coded in the graphs below:

  • 2024
  • 2023
  • 2022
  • 2021
  • 2020
Daily Counts

Description: In 2015 the department began managing Kenai River king salmon runs using an ARIS sonar station located at river mile 14. In 2017 the Department modified the Kenai River king salmon escapement goals from goals based on king salmon of all sizes, to escapement goals based on large king salmon (fish over 34 inches) only. The early-run king salmon optimal escapement goal range is 3,900 to 6,600 large king salmon (> 34 inches). In 2020 the late-run king salmon escapement goal was modified to an optimal escapement goal range is 15,000 to 30,000 large king salmon (> 34 inches). The ARIS sonar counts found on this page are the daily and seasonal cumulative passage estimates of the number of large king salmon passing the sonar site. Additionally, the past years counts displayed on this page have been converted to large fish counts for comparison. These estimated numbers of large king salmon passing the sonar site are the primary tool for the Kenai River king salmon assessment program that also includes a sport angler harvest survey, and a netting program. The data gathered in these assessments are used together to determine king salmon run strength. This data in conjunction with Fishery Management Plans, allows fishery managers to determine if emergency order regulation changes to the fisheries are needed during the season to help ensure that the escapement goals are achieved. These abundance assessments as well as information about the status of the run and inseason management actions can be viewed via this website on the above tabs. Information is also available by telephone at (907)262-9097.

Optimal Escapement Goal for Chinook - Early Run: 3,900 - 6,600 (Graphed above)
Optimal Escapement Goal for Chinook - Late Run: 15,000 - 30,000

Contact: Area Management Biologist,

Weekly Sportfish Fishing Report for this area

46 records returned for the years selected. Dashes indicate days with no count.
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Notes for
Jun-30 42 1,365 1,975 2,051 4,131 2,444  
Jun-29 12 1,323 1,914 2,004 4,033 2,390  
Jun-28 30 1,311 1,884 1,980 3,930 2,317  
Jun-27 30 1,281 1,793 1,934 3,861 2,250  
Jun-26 36 1,251 1,660 1,906 3,807 2,201  
Jun-25 42 1,215 1,605 1,864 3,728 2,158  
Jun-24 36 1,173 1,541 1,768 3,649 2,116  
Jun-23 42 1,137 1,444 1,719 3,551 2,086  
Jun-22 42 1,095 1,352 1,625 3,424 1,995  
Jun-21 18 1,053 1,316 1,564 3,303 1,922  
Jun-20 46 1,035 1,255 1,491 3,195 1,837  
Jun-19 24 989 1,152 1,400 3,104 1,734  
Jun-18 24 965 1,051 1,276 3,000 1,667  
Jun-17 73 941 977 1,188 2,915 1,419  
Jun-16 66 868 892 1,103 2,745 1,274  
Jun-15 42 802 813 1,030 2,654 1,165  
Jun-14 102 760 704 909 2,479 1,141  
Jun-13 72 658 589 830 2,279 1,049  
Jun-12 90 586 419 708 2,109 989  
Jun-11 78 496 377 599 1,951 916  
Jun-10 63 418 341 530 1,836 892  
Jun-09 36 355 305 463 1,702 777  
Jun-08 48 319 263 398 1,544 668  
Jun-07 30 271 233 356 1,283 583  
Jun-06 60 241 221 307 1,077 528  
Jun-05 42 181 173 265 913 449  
Jun-04 7 139 149 235 768 358  
Jun-03 18 132 137 187 574 272  
Jun-02 0 114 106 169 465 236  
Jun-01 18 114 100 120 374 194  
May-31 12 96 46 96 326 176  
May-30 18 84 36 84 290 109  
May-29 12 66 24 72 271 85  
May-28 18 54 24 42 235 60  
May-27 24 36 24 30 217 48  
May-26 6 12 18 12 144 48  
May-25 0 6 18 12 102 48  
May-24 0 6 18 0 96 30  
May-23 0 6 18 0 84 12  
May-22 0 6 18 0 78 0  
May-21 6 6 24 0 72 0  
May-20 0 0 18 0 60 0  
May-19 0 0 6 0 54 0 Very few eulachon(hooligan) observed.
May-18 0 0 6 0 48 0  
May-17 0 0 6 0 18 0  
May-16 0 0 6 0 0 0 Large amounts of hooligan observed on sonar

Non-Sonar Tools

Early Run Netting Project CPUE Index

The Net Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE) is an index of the numbers of Chinook salmon moving into the Kenai River and is based on the rate at which Chinook salmon are captured by the netting project conducted at river mile 8.6.

Early Run Sport CPUE Index

The Sport Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE) is an index of the numbers of Chinook salmon in the lower Kenai River and is based on the success rate of anglers fishing downstream of the Sterling Highway Bridge Crossing in Soldotna.

Early Run Netting Project Large Fish CPUE Index

The Net Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE) is an index of the numbers of Chinook salmon moving into the Kenai River and is based on the rate at which Chinook salmon are captured by the netting project conducted at the sonar station located at river mile 8.6.

Weekly Sportfish Fishing Report for this area

Final Early Run Kenai River Chinook Inseason Summary


King Salmon Run Update:

The total estimated passage through June 30 was 2,051 large king salmon (> 75 cm mid-eye-to-tail-fork-length or ~ 34 inches in total length). The return is ~51% below the preseason forecast estimate of ~4,200 large fish and the historical average of 5,200 large fish. The department applies harvest and catch and release mortality estimates of king salmon above the sonar to generate a preliminary spawning escapement estimate of 2,047 large early-run king salmon and a total inriver run estimate of 2,052 large fish. The mid-point of the run occurred on June 15 which is 4 days late when compared to the historical mid-point of June 11. Preliminary age composition estimates from length groups show a low presence of 4-ocean fish (brood year 2016), making up ~14% of the run which is well below average. The predominate age classes estimated from length bins for all sized king salmon are the 3-ocean fish at ~32% and the 2-ocean fish at ~44% of the run. Post season analysis will provide further clarity of age class distribution. The run exhibited low abundance across all age classes and is preliminarily the second lowest run in the historical data set. Preliminary sport fishing harvest from creel survey which includes catch-and-release mortality was estimated to be 5 large king salmon.

Neither the optimal escapement goal (3,900 – 6,600) nor the sustainable escapement goal (2,800 – 5,600) were achieved.

The preseason outlook for the 2022 early-run can be found at:

This information was compiled based on raw and historical data for inseason management purposes.

Final data is subject to change.