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Division: Sport Fish
Title: Assessment of coho salmon from the Kenai River, Alaska, 2007
Author: Massengill, R.
Year: 2013
Report ID: Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Fishery Data Series No. 13-06, Anchorage
Abstract: Wild coho salmon (Onchorhynchus kisutch) smolt were captured at the Moose River within the Kenai River drainage in spring 2006, marked with an adipose finclip, and injected with a coded wire tag (CWT); 81,953 live adipose-clipped smolt were subsequently released. Some of these fish were recovered as adults from fish wheel sampling conducted within the Kenai River in 2007. Of 1,075 adult coho salmon sampled from the Kenai River fish wheels, 135 were missing an adipose fin. Based on the number of adults examined and the number of these adults missing adipose fins, an estimated 648,400 (SE 51,735) smolt emigrated from the Kenai River in 2006. A fish wheel–based index was used periodically inseason and once postseason to predict the end-of-season abundance of adult coho salmon passing river kilometer 45 of the Kenai River in 2007. The index used log-transformed cumulative catch-per-unit-of-effort (lnCCPUE) for coho salmon and was plotted into a regression of historic lnCCPUE and associated mark–recapture abundance estimates. The predictions classified abundance into one of three ordinal categories (low, medium, or high). The final 2007 adult coho salmon end-of-season abundance prediction was “low” and was based on the log-transformed cumulative fish wheel catch per unit of effort (lnCCPUE) value of 3.85 taken over the period 1 August through 30 September 2007.
Keywords: coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch, population assessment, fish wheel, weir, adult abundance, index, coded wire tag, Kenai River, smolt abundance, wild salmon, mark–recapture experiment