Fish Passage Site 20700786

Coordinates (dec. deg.): 57.77063°, -152.52573°
Legal Description: S028S020W09
Region: Southwest
Road Name: Magazine Access Road

Datum: WGS84
Quad Name / ITM: Kodiak D-2
AWC Stream #: 259-21-10120-2011
Stream Name: Battery Creek Tributary


Site Comments: Site is just outside the Coast Guard gate.

Multiple surveys have been conducted at this site — click on the drop down
arrow to the right of the survey date below to choose a different report for this site.

Survey UPD21-MAR09

Project Supervisor: Kim Clark, ADFG — Anchorage, AK
Observers: Kim Clark, Michael Mazzacavallo

Overall Fish Passage Rating: Green

Tidal: No
Backwatered: No

Step Pools: No
Construction Year: 2018

Comments: Site is just below the confluence at inlet of 2 tributaries. Main water flow comes from the tributary at 70 degrees, the other tributary is at 20 degrees. Stream gradient is from designs. Coho observed upstream from inlet, Flows downstream parallel to roadway for 1000 feet. Top half of channel inside culvert is pool with wetted width spanning whole culvert and bottom half of channel is a riffle.

Culvert Measurements

ID: 1 Structure Type: Box culvert (Structural aluminum plate) Fish Passage Rating: Green
Length(ft): 49.5
Inlet Type: Projecting
Outlet Type: Projecting
Corrugation Depth(in.): 2.5
Corrugation Width(in.): 9.0
Condition Rating(1-5): 5
Approach Angle: 70.0
Sedimentation At Inlet: No
Inlet Substrate: Sand
Outlet Substrate: Gravel
Width(ft):14.2 14.2
Height(ft):4.13 3.24
Apron Length(ft):
Water Depth(ft): 0.46
Rustline Height(ft):
Substrate Depth(ft):2.37 3.26
Backwatered?: No
Baffles Present: No
Embedded?: Yes
Embedded Depth(ft): 2.37
Outfall Height: 0.0
Outfall Type: At Stream Grade
Constriction Ratio: 1.45
Culvert Gradient: 0.34%
Max Slope:
Max Slope Length:

Comments: Measured culvert gradient is Top: 0.34%, Invert 1.17%, Water surface: 0.65% Culvert dimensions per designs are 15'4 x 6'5"

Stream Measurements

Stream SubstratesUpstreamDownstream
Stream Slope(deg.):0.6
Stream Flow Stage:Medium
Stream Width Type Distance From
Crossing (ft)
Width (ft)
Downstream ordinary high water 30.0 9.75
Downstream ordinary high water 45.0 9.00
Downstream ordinary high water 60.0 10.60


Locator ID Culvert
Distance (ft)1
Distance From
Crossing (ft)2
Elevation (ft)
Road Elev (road surface) 101.09
D/S Thalweg 0.00 96.14
D/S Water Surface Elev 0.00 96.54
D/S Water Surface Elev 28.00 96.63
Outlet Invert 28.00 96.17
Outlet Culvert Top (on rib) 28.00 100.00
Inlet Culvert Top (on rib) 77.30 100.17
Inlet Culvert Invert 77.30 95.59
U/S Water Surface Elev 77.30 96.95
U/S Water Surface Elev 83.30 96.97
U/S Thalweg (max pool depth) 83.30 95.81
U/S Thalweg 99.30 96.03
U/S Water Surface Elev 99.30 96.99


  1. River distance is measured continuously throughout the survey reach along the thalweg of the stream.
  2. Measured from each end of the crossing along the thalweg of the stream.

Fish Sampling Efforts

No fish sampling occurred during this survey.

Fish Observations

No fish observations occurred during this survey.

Questions or comments about this report can be directed to