Ice Seal Tracking Maps Archive

06/171/2017 – 07/191/2017

Requested Tracking Map
We are pleased to announce that we tagged two adult ringed seals and one young spotted seal in Kotzebue Sound, near Buckland, Alaska on 20 and 22 June. The seals were captured, tagged, and released by Raymond Lee Jr. and Raymond Lee III, trained hunter-taggers from Buckland, Mark Nelson (ADF&G), and Ryan Adam (ADF&G). We deployed a SPLASH tag on one ringed seal and a CTD tag on the other ringed seal, both received flipper SPOT tags. We deployed only a flipper SPOT tag on the young spotted seal, therefore we will only receive locations for this seal when it hauls out of the water.

During the last 20 days we have received locations for 1 bearded, 2 ringed, and 1 spotted seal. The bearded seal (BS16-05-F, red square) has moved west along the Beaufort Sea coast, west of Kaktovik and the spotted seal (SS16-06-F, brown circle) is north of Russia in the Chukchi Sea. The two adult ringed seals recently tagged near Buckland (red and yellow arrows) quickly moved away from Kotzebue Sound. Both moved north, generally along the Alaska coast, and are currently north of Utqiaġvik. Sea ice data are courtesy of the NASA Rapid Response Network, dated 3 July (

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