Fish Passage Site 20501473

Coordinates (dec. deg.): 62.18156°, -150.51703°
Legal Description: S024N007W11
Region: South Central
Road Name: Oil Well Road

Datum: WGS84
Quad Name / ITM: Talkeetna A-2
AWC Stream #:
Stream Name: Unnamed


Site Comments: None

Multiple surveys have been conducted at this site — click on the drop down
arrow to the right of the survey date below to choose a different report for this site.


Project Supervisor: Gillian O'Doherty, ADFG
Observers: Gillian O'Doherty, Mark Eisenman

Overall Fish Passage Rating: Green

Tidal: No
Backwatered: No

Step Pools: No
Construction Year: 2014

Site Observations:

  1. Culvert is poorly aligned

Comments: ***Updated photos added from 9/7/16 site visit from Sampling Unmapped Streams in the MSB project. Pike found upstream and downstream of culvert.Fish sampling informaiton entered into AFFI. *** Replaced in 2014, resurveyed Oct 21, 2015. Channel is lower at outlet than designed. Downstream root wads installed high with rock in front and back. Gaps between root wads upstream and willow brush layers looked to have failed to establish. Some aggradation at inlet, mostly rip rap. Erosion control at inlet too small and not angular, falling into pipe. Ditch armoring encroaches on about a third of the channel at inlet. **Updated photos and fish sampling information added from 9/7/16 site visit from Sampling Unmapped Streams in the MSB project. Pike found upstream and downstream of culvert.

Culvert Measurements

ID: 1 Structure Type: Pipe-arch (Structural aluminum plate) Fish Passage Rating: Green
Length(ft): 65.4
Inlet Type: Headwall
Outlet Type: Headwall
Corrugation Depth(in.): 2.0
Corrugation Width(in.): 6.0
Condition Rating(1-5): 5
Approach Angle: 75.0
Sedimentation At Inlet: Yes
Inlet Substrate: Cobble
Outlet Substrate: Boulder
Width(ft):9.8 9.8
Height(ft):4.8 4.9
Apron Length(ft):
Water Depth(ft): 0.94
Rustline Height(ft):
Substrate Depth(ft):1.7 1.6
Backwatered?: No
Baffles Present: No
Embedded?: Yes
Embedded Depth(ft): 1.6
Outfall Height: 0.0
Outfall Type: At Stream Grade
Constriction Ratio: 1.18
Culvert Gradient: 4.04%
Max Slope:
Max Slope Length:

Comments: Water surface gradient through culvert is 4.34%, substrate gradient 4.95%

  Culvert Observations:
  1. Culvert is poorly aligned

Stream Measurements

Stream SubstratesUpstreamDownstream
Stream Slope(deg.):
Stream Flow Stage:Medium
Stream Width Type Distance From
Crossing (ft)
Width (ft)
Downstream ordinary high water 100.0 9.00
Downstream ordinary high water 200.0 7.90
Upstream ordinary high water 100.0 9.50
Upstream ordinary high water 200.0 7.50
Upstream ordinary high water 300.0 8.90


Locator ID Culvert
Distance (ft)1
Distance From
Crossing (ft)2
Elevation (ft)
Road Elev 113.06
D/S Water Surface Elev 0.00 90.52
D/S Thalweg (riffle) 0.00 90.09
D/S Thalweg (riffle) 12.00 90.20
D/S Water Surface Elev 12.00 90.82
D/S Water Surface Elev 29.00 91.11
Max Pool Depth (Plunge pool below log step) 29.00 90.02
D/S Grade Ctrl (Thalweg) (Log step) 32.00 91.81
D/S Water Surface Elev 32.00 92.02
D/S Thalweg (End of rip rap) 50.00 92.07
D/S Water Surface Elev 50.00 92.44
D/S Thalweg (Middle of rootwads) 74.00 92.61
D/S Water Surface Elev 74.00 93.06
Outlet Pool Water Elev 90.00 93.31
Max Pool Depth 90.00 92.64
D/S Water Surface Elev 92.00 93.52
Outlet Invert (On substrate) 92.00 92.58
Outlet Culvert Top (On top of collar above center bolt) 92.00 98.52
U/S Water Surface Elev 157.40 96.36
Inlet Culvert Top (top of collar above center bolt) 157.40 101.16
Inlet Culvert Invert (on substrate) 157.40 95.82
U/S Thalweg (bottom of inlet riffle) 161.40 96.27
U/S Water Surface Elev 161.40 96.57
U/S Grade Ctrl (Thalweg) (rock step (rip rap)) 173.40 96.84
U/S Water Surface Elev 173.40 97.22
U/S Grade Ctrl (Thalweg) (rock step (rip rap)) 190.40 97.91
U/S Water Surface Elev 190.40 98.41
U/S Grade Ctrl (Thalweg) (Top of step (top of inlet riffle)) 204.40 98.58
U/S Water Surface Elev 204.40 98.97
U/S Water Surface Elev 210.40 98.91
U/S Thalweg (Pool) 210.40 98.39
U/S Grade Ctrl (Thalweg) (Top of riffle) 237.40 99.73
U/S Water Surface Elev 237.40 99.96


  1. River distance is measured continuously throughout the survey reach along the thalweg of the stream.
  2. Measured from each end of the crossing along the thalweg of the stream.

Fish Sampling Efforts

Gear Type: Minnow Trap (A) Trap Duration(h): 1.0
Comments: No fish caught
Gear Type: Minnow Trap (B) Trap Duration(h): 1.0
Comments: No fish caught.

Fish Observations

No fish observations occurred during this survey.

Questions or comments about this report can be directed to